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The Tree


A tree is a whole, made up of many part and systems. From its smallest parts to the overall, as it subdivides and multiplies within itself, each part differs and has a significant role and purpose that adds to the makeup and existence of the whole tree. Independently they interrelate with each other in a consistent and unwavering harmonious flow between. Contained throughout all these unified forms are the cells of the tree and within their cores lies the DNA structure and genes that hold the recording of the tree's light.

The leaves of a tree draw in Light, as the tree reaches forth. It then nourishes itself by transmuting light energy into substances. It then reflects the tree's light into its separate but unified forms down to its cells. The energy as substance stimulates DNA for growth, which is the largest biological active molecule that is responsible for the replication of key life substance. Simultaneously stimulating within the DNA, the genes, which hold the power to reproduce and copy itself, as they contain the basic unit of hereditary and evolution, as well the characteristics, the process of growth and development. Thus, through transmuted light energy it carries forth the recording of light's intended blueprint and design that was set forth in the original seed the tree, stem from.

The one Light divides into two and the union of the two then multiplies and divides in continual cycles creating growth, as the Light carries forth in an outward expression. The tree outwardly shines as a creative expression of Light and as an individual aspect of its environment; it stands a part of a greater whole. The tree interrelates, effects and reflects with its surroundings, as the unified forms did within the tree, the tree both adds to and gain form the environment, continuing the flow. It provides nourishment and gives warmth and shelter to wildlife around it, as it stands strong and grows through and with the continual cycles of nature and seasons of time.

In a community, the tree brings beauty and color to sight and offers something for all. For the elders it provides shade on a sunny day or holds the memories of times gone past. For the thinker, a place to ponder, for an artist it is creative stimulation in capturing its beauty. It provides a place of comfort in a time of stress and a place to rest. To the children it brings joy as they play upon it. And when its time has come, it still continues in its being as it leaves its seeds to carry on and its beauty withstands in a different way, through what we make with it.

Light expresses itself, throughout all creation, in a continual pattern expanding as it multiplies and divides itself into separate unified forms. The propelling force is the desire of unconditional love, as the one Light desire’s to unconditionally express itself. The Love is the Light. Light reflects and refracts throughout and into physical forms, like light reflected in a kaleidoscope.

As humans, we too are part of Light's creation and nature of life, and unique individual expressions of it. We are also comprised of unified forms. We are Beings of Light. Like the tree, we have unified forms that subdivide further within themselves into systems and parts that together make the whole.

The whole Being is comprised of several operation systems. The physical body is merely the most visible. The physical, along with the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, are all operation systems of the whole, which our Being expresses itself through. We need to recognize that these bodies are individual aspects of the whole: interrelating and working together, effecting and reflecting each other, adding to and gaining from the whole.

When looking into healing, when there are imbalances within these systems they restrict the flow of the Light energy of our Being from within. As well, they restrict the flow of Light as we interrelate as part of a greater whole. These imbalances are also affecting and reflecting in the environment.

Healing the just body is not enough. Spiritually, however is not enough, emotional maturity and depth are not enough. Neither is a heightened mental acuity, psychology or a healthy perception of the physical. In order for the whole Being to be healthy and vibrant, all of these bodies (or systems) must be in alignment, and balanced together. Thus, allowing unrestricted flow of one's own inner Light from within.

The healing process is our being re-balancing self. All the information in the world will not heal a body unassisted by the Light in him who is being healed.

Consciousness is the Knowing of mind and the spiritual awareness of Being. Consciousness is the awareness of our spirit within. Knowing is the awareness of Light. As we get in touch with our inner Being and learn how to work within, we can see and recognize all that is there for us. We can find the Knowing of cause and bring forth the insights and understandings needed to enable change. With that Light, we can release the blockages and move beyond the present limitations towards personal growth and healing. Then we can allow the Light and Love from within to shine through the balance and harmony.

It is only when we first learn to balance within ourselves will that balance be reflected in our lives. Furthermore, as we find it within, it enables us recognize and find balance outside of ourselves: with other Beings, in our environment and in our society. As we learn to do it individually, we will do it collectively.

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