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Take a Higher Picture


As mankind moves into the future and these times of change, we are at a cross road and virtually leaping into an explosion of new technologies that expands throughout all avenues and aspects of life, and on a global community level. While simultaneously, it is clear that mankind currently stands overwhelmed in the effects and imbalances we've created and allowed through time. Mankind has continually strayed from living from a point of love and the right way to be, into living from a point of fear and in all of its effects. We live in a society that focuses on separation and judgment, deception and denial, hatred and violence. It is filled with addictions of denial, dis-ease and pollution in all walks of life throughout humanity and the world. These imbalances are reflected and projected into all aspects of our lives, in relationships with others, in society and in our environment.

Individually, with wounded hearts and souls, disconnected spirits, people are fighting to survive in a material world that creates fear and feeds upon it. Fear keeps society from finding balance as it distracts and consumes energy; it continues to create illusions causing disillusionment, doubt, a lost sense of morals, values and integrity, and even a lost sense of identity. Humanity is misled to search for identity and happiness outside of self: into things or possessions, in what we have or don’t have, in the illusions what things make us to be, or that it lies in being something others wants us to be, rather than who we are and taking responsibility for even our own reality.

Individually and collectively mankind is trying to find and create balance in an unbalanced world when they can’t even find balance and harmony within themselves. There is a constancy of putting band-aids on effects rather that healing the causes. There is a forgotten understanding of what real love and the right way to be is all about, to each other and our selves.

Individually and collectively, here in the now, we stand in the effects of the past, looking forward. We are at a pivotal point in time, as we are in any given moment or second in time…where we have to opportunity to make a choice. A point where the knowledge gained from our experiences could be an asset as we are willing to reflect upon them, learn, heal and grow, and choice to create change. It is important, to take the time to stop and reflect on what our previous choices have caused and created, and where they are leading us. We need to recognize and learn what is needed create change and enable forward movement in a balanced way. We need to stop and take a higher picture.

There is a constancy of putting band-aids on effects rather that healing the causes. There is a forgotten understanding of what real love and the right way to be is all about, to each other and our selves.

In order to take a higher picture, we must first disengage and disentangle; stop and let go of our old perspectives or perceptions, as well their ill effects that they have had upon us. At least set them aside for a moment… in order to allow new ones to come in. We have to let go of our limited thinking, and open our hearts to even enable the ability of a potential or the possibility of a different perspective. We have to believe or think it is possible. We have to open our hearts and minds to receive or even conceive a different perspective, we have to be willing to allow it in. As we do we then have to be willing to allow ourselves see and experience it at least in that moment, for it is through experience that knowing comes from. And in order to experience something though, one has to feel, for it is within the experience of feeling knowing comes form, then through that knowing, understanding is found. To truly know something, one must experience it.

Balance with our society can only be found when we first to learn how to bring balance and well-being on an individual base, will we be able to reflect and bring society as a whole into balance. We must first realize what constitutes well being in a true sense. We must learn to work with the whole person and realize we cannot heal the being, without the being from within. Only then as we do it individually, will we do it collectively.

It must first start within self. It is only when we look within ourselves under the collective layers of junk… and all the ill effects of fear has had upon us. Behind all the negative thinking and under all the unbalanced emotions of the past, where the part of self is that knows this isn’t the way it’s suppose to be. It is this place within us all that is where we need to go, stop, take that higher picture and listen.

Only when we are willing to let go of fear and be willing to look within ourselves, stand up and recognize the true essence of our beings and what all it has to offers can balance be found. As we balance what is needed we can allow the perceptions of what all can be. When we do this then can we begin to heal the cause of imbalances in order for the effects to change. By healing the causes within us individually we can then begin to create the possibility of healing it collectively and in our world around us. Through healing the causes within us individually we can then conceive and create the possibility of healing it collectively and in our world around us. It is only from that goodness that lies within the heart of us all, that goodness can grow.

Here in the now, within the realms of self… all of us individually… it starts…right in the heart of things… right in the heart of self … and in the heart of it all. You see, no matter what it is or what it is about it, no matter how big or small or what it applies to … it always comes back to the heart of things, so why not start there in the first place.

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